We want to encourage every person who wants to go deeper in their faith, understanding, and discipleship to Jesus. We hope the following, books, apps, podcasts, courses, and YouTube channels will help everyone from the youngest to the oldest think, feel, reflect on what it means to follow Jesus in 21st Century London.
The Bible Project
A YouTube channel that helps explain the Bible with short animations. There are videos for every book of the Bible and many of the core themes found in scripture. A great one for the visual learner.

Reading the Bible
Why read the Bible?
How do I read the Bible?
What other ways are there to read the Bible?
What do I need to read the Bible?
What if I don't understand the Bible?
YouVersion Bible App
Over 2,000 versions of the Bible in over 1,000 languages. Some versions come as an audiobook to help you through Leviticus and Numbers (x2 speed). This app includes 100s of reading plans and devotionals by well-known authors, theologians, and church leaders.
The Bible App for Kids
The Kid-friendly navigation on this app allows kids to find and select from some of the “big” stories of the Bible. This fun and engaging app can read the Bible story aloud and uses games and interactive animations to help explain the Bible in an age-appropriate way.
St Mary's London
Our very own app with daily devotionals from members of the church on Every Day with Matt . Listen to talks, take notes, connect and find out the latest in the life of the church with the St Mary's London App.
Read Scripture
Read the Bible daily in combination with contextual videos by The Bible Project. This thematic reading plan constantly highlights the bigger picture of what you are reading. Spoiler: It all points to Jesus.
Prayer Apps
Lectio 365
An app created by 24/7 Prayer, a non-stop prayer meeting that has continued for every minute of this century so far, in over half the countries on Earth. Written by leaders from the 24-7 Prayer movement, this resource helps you engage with Scripture to inspire prayer and shape your life.
Inner Room
Inner Room is an app from 24-7 Prayer that turns one of our biggest distractions – our mobile phones – into a portable prayer tool. Jesus said, “When you pray, go into your inner room...” (Matt:6:6). Inner Room is a prayer list app that equips, enables and inspires you to pray, each day.
Prayer Mate
Not everybody finds prayer easy but PrayerMate is Christian prayer app that seeks to make it easier and help you pray for all the people and causes you care about.

Three academic theologians and a few biscuits. You can send your questions to them to answer or find a topic they have already spoken about on their website.

The Bible Project
Like the YouTube channel but without the video. A great one for the auditory learner.

DJStrickland Podcast
Danielle Strickland is one of the best communicators in the world (Matt’s opinion!). On this inspiring and encouraging monthly podcast, Danielle chats with people from around the world about life in all its fullness.

Third Person - John Peters
From our very own JP. This book explains our theology of the person and work of the Holy Spirit at St Mary’s. There are also loads of great stories and practical tips included too. You can buy this for £7 at the back of church.

God’s Empowering Presence - Gordon Fee
Essentially a monster commentary on every reference to the Holy Spirit in the letters of Paul.
Not for the faint of heart.
Not for the faint of heart.

Rediscovering Scripture's Vision for Women: Fresh Perspectives on Disputed Texts - Lucy Peppiatt & Scot McKnight
Careful exegetical work on key New Testament passages that demonstrate God releasing women alongside men in all forms of ministry, leadership, work, and service on the basis of character and gifting rather than biological sex.

The Drama of Scripture: Finding our place in the Biblical story - Craig Bartholomew & Michael Goheen
This book helps the reader see the Bible as a single great story or drama in which we are all invited to play our part.

The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ - Flemming Rutledge
Another monster theological tome.

Celebration of Discipline - Richard Foster
One of Matt’s favourites. This provides meaty chapters on various practices that can help us connect with God.

How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People - Pete Grieg
Exactly what it says on the tin.

The Jesus Storybook Bible - Sally Lloyd-Jones
A beautifully illustrated Bible for children (4+) to discover for themselves that Jesus is at the centre of God's great story and at the centre of their story too.

We Need To Talk About Race: Understanding the Black Experience in White Majority Churches - Ben Lindsay
An eye-opening book offering insights into the black religious experiences in white-majority churches. This book asks challenging questions of the reader and points to how we can work towards a truly inclusive church community.

Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us - Adele Calhoun
The Possibility of Difference - Marcus Green
The word discipline may make some of us want to run and hide, this book shows how desires and discipline work together to lead us to the transformation we're longing for--the transformation only Christ can bring. This is a practical book including 75 different practices (who knew there were so many!?) for the journey towards intimacy with Christ.
Marcus Green makes three startlingly honest confessions. His first, that he is an Anglican; his second, that he is an evangelical; and finally, his third, that he is gay. It is these uncompromising and at times conflicting standpoints that make the basis for this compelling, compassionate, perhaps controversial but absolutely crucial book on attitudes towards homosexuality in the Christian faith.

Everyday with Matt
Only the best devotional in the whole world. Monday to Friday you can read a short passage of the Bible and a short devotional written by someone in the St Mary’s family!
***** would recommend.
***** would recommend.